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Adding publishers


The third tab is the PUBLISHERS tab. This tab allows you to add any publishers that have signed the track. You can tag multple publishers to one track (having the option of selecting a single publisher deal or a co-publishing deal)

When you have added all the appropriate information, click the ADD PUBLISHER(S) button to add the company to the list.

You can either expand the rows in the bottom grid to show publisher percentages or mouse over the publisher count.

* IMPORTANT: If you do not click the "ADD PUBLISHER" button  , the publisher will NOT be linked to the track

Select Publisher
Start by either selecting a single publisher or a co-publisher deal.

Single Publisher:
just select the publisher in the drop down box

Co Publishers
Put the percentage that each publisher in the deal is getting

You If you find that the publisher is not in the system, you can do a "quick add", by clicking on the blue button  and typing in the company name. You can go back to SETUP >> PUBLISHERS to finish entering their contact information.

Alternate Track Title
If the publisher assigns an alternate track title

Reversion Date
If the publishing deal has a reversion date,

Signed As
Designate whether the track is non-exclusive or exclusive.

Add any comments that pertain to the publisher(s) being added. 

Note about multiple publisher deals:

When adding publishers, it is possible to multiple publishing deals to a track.

For example:

1) Select either single or co publishing deal.
2) Add information
3) Click the "add publisher" button

At this point, you will see one entry in the bottom grid. Repeat the process and you will then see another entry in the bottom grid

Each entry in the grid signifies a publishing "deal", not a publisher. For example, you could have 5 publishers tied to one publishing deal. If you then expand a line in that grid (by clicking on the + sign to expand), you will see the percentages that the publisher(s) get. You can get the same info by hovering over the field "# of publishers" for the publishing deal that you are interested in.

So it's not like writers and session musicians, where each entry in the bottom grid signifies one writer/musician. With publishers, one entry in the grid signifies a publishing "deal".